Hey there, I'm Wynne. I am a no-nonsense wife and momma of four beautiful girls and a certified functional medicine health coach. I have a massive passion for clean living and shedding light on the misunderstood world of hemp. You are likely to find me reading ingredient lists, coaching private clients on their clean-living journey, cooking a feast in the kitchen, digging in the dirt or driving my girls all over town.
I am known as clean ingredient guru and for my commitment to keeping my friends, family and community healthy. NO fluff here. Just the real - real, on the living your best, clean life! Bottom line, I’ve got your back. It’s your turn to feel your best!
my Journey:
Once upon a time, I was told by doctors that I wouldn’t be able to have children on my own because of hormonal imbalances and inflammation in my fallopian tubes. you an imagine that Hearing this knocked the wind out of me. if that wasn’t enough, As time passed, I found my health failing me in other ways and with zero answers. I “looked” well but I didn’t feel well. Doctors wanted to give me bandaids when I wanted solutions. I stopped the downward spiral with doctors and prescriptions and started to dig for my own answers. I was determined to be feel better and be better.
I stopped asking simple questions.
I stopped believing that the answers were in a pill and never ending doctor’s appointments.
And guess what?
I started to find answers.
The answers were right in front of me.
I discovered that I was unknowingly using products, feeding my body and surround my family with things that were having negative impacts on our health. I read labels, but didn’t understand ingredients. I had no idea the impacts of my choices. Reading ingredients and labels was overwhelming! I didn’t know what what was good and what was bad!
what i learned is that Our foods, our personal care products and our cleaning products (both natural and synthetic) are filled with ingredients that are known carcinogens, hormone disruptors and irritants. and that’s not ok! so, Over the past 13 years, I have filled my ‘toolbox’ with tools that will help my family and yours live a healthier life. my journey fueled my fire to share the TRUTH with you. In 2013, Green Mission Possible was born.
YOU are your own best advocate.
At Green Mission Possible, we partner with companies that are dedicated to making changes all the way to Washington by educating and sharing information with consumers and bringing safer options to the marketplace. We are honored to lock arms with Benefit Corporations like Beautycounter and non profits Campaign for Safe Cosmetics, Environmental Working Group, Healthy Child Healthy World, Women's Voices Voices for Earth , and the Breast Cancer Fund.
You deserve better. Together we can make a difference. Our collective choices can move the needle forward for a healthier life and a safer marketplace.
Curious what simple changes you can make to live a healthier life?
schedule a consultation.
Together we can make a difference.
I can’t wait to meet you!
My precious children wouldn’t be here without the help of Reproductive Endocrinologist IVF.
On Capital Hill advocating for you!
I was honored to be a speaker at a clean personal care event.
FULL MEASURE NEWS featured my story was featured across the country!
I can’t wait to help you on you reboot your body and hormones through healthy habits and whole food nutrition. Clean and Simple. 💚